Thursday Road Runs

Road Run Schedule

Confirmation for the available groups will be posted on both facebook and the events calendar. They will normally be posted 2-3 days before the relevant training session.

Road Run Rules

For everyone’s safety and enjoyment could all members please follow these simple rules when on our group runs:-

  • Please remember that our Run Leader are all Volunteers and treat them accordingly.
  • Our Run Leaders set the pace, do not try to run faster.
  • Please be considerate to pedestrians and car drivers, thank them for letting you pass or stopping at crossings.
  • Listen to you Run Leader.
  • If you are not sure or your speed, choose a slower group to ensure the group does not have to wait for you. If necessary you can choose a faster group the following week.
  • Communicate with each other, ensuring you call out any hazards.
  • Tell your Run Leader if you are turning back.
  • Take care when crossing roads, do not just follow the group.
  • During the Winter months you must wear Hi-Viz Clothing, a Head Torch is optional.
  • Look after each other.
  • Have Fun!

Just in case!

We encourage everyone to carry some form of emergency contact information we running with the club, just in case something happens to you. This is especially the case if you have a medical condition.

We recently issued members with ID tags for this purpose. Another option is to purchase an ICE id band as pictured below. Members receive a discount via the members area but there are also available from various companies.
